Alexander Archipelago wolves

Southeast Board of Game meeting summary

Southeast Board of Game meeting summary

Bears, wolves, public trails: Summary of 2023 Southeast Board of Game meeting

In the News: Wolves in Southeast Alaska Face Pressures From All Sides

In the News: Wolves in Southeast Alaska Face Pressures From All Sides

“Wolves are a charismatic top predator that have become a symbol of wildness for the conservation movement. Aldo Leopold famously wrote about the conflict between humans and wolves in his 1948 essay, ‘Thinking Like a Mountain,’ where he reflected upon shooting a wolf. Many historians credit this essay as a milestone in the modern-day environmental movement. To this day, wolves elicit an emotional response from so many of us. Love them or hate them, wolves attract a disproportionate amount of attention.”

We're in Alaska’s Superior Court to protect Alexander Archipelago wolves

We're in Alaska’s Superior Court to protect Alexander Archipelago wolves

After two long years and multiple attempts by the State to dismiss this case, we are finally going to trial. This week, we are holding the State of Alaska accountable to their Constitutional obligations to manage Alexander Archipelago wolves sustainably.

What happened at the Special Board of Game meeting, March 2021

What happened at the Special Board of Game meeting, March 2021

Everything you need to know about the March 2021 special Board of Game meeting, including changes to wolf hunting and trapping on Prince of Wales island.

PRESS RELEASE: Our lawsuit to suspend the wolf hunting and trapping season on Prince of Wales Island

PRESS RELEASE: Our lawsuit to suspend the wolf hunting and trapping season on Prince of Wales Island

165 of the 170 estimated wolves on Prince of Wales were trapped last year and still managers propose an upcoming trapping season. Our lawsuit seeks to suspend wolf trapping until the Alexander Archipelago wolf population rebounds.