AWA’s Vice President, John Morton, recently gave a virtual talk on Resist-Accept-Direct to a UAF Class, Our Changing Climate: Past, Present, Future.
Alaska Wildlife Alliance has contributed to development of the Resist, Accept, Direct (RAD) framework, which lays out three choices for communities and agencies to guide their climate adaptation planning. In contrast to other climate adaptation approaches (e.g., Climate-Smart, Open Standards, Scenario Planning or Structured Decision Making) that are open-ended, RAD carves up the decision space into three action-oriented bins. The 2021 revision of the National Fish, Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy has endorsed RAD as a progressive approach. The National Park Service is also promoting RAD as a “framework that encourages natural resource managers to consider strategic, forward-looking actions, rather than structure management goals based on past conditions.”
Check out the slides from John’s talk below.