In Memoriam: A Tribute to John Toppenberg

John Toppenberg


It is with a heavy heart that we share our grief for the loss of AWA's former Director, John Toppenberg. John was a tireless advocate for Alaska's wildlife and a passionate wildlife photographer.

"I remember the first time I met John, it was the first time I'd heard of Alaska Wildlife Alliance," says Nicole Schmitt, current AWA Director.

"I was working at the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge and attended a town hall style meeting where the Refuge explained why they closed the brown bear hunting season. The Refuge cited concerns about the declining bear population, then opened the floor to the public. I sat in the back and listened to the public testimony, most of it angry that the Refuge shortened the hunting season. I was discouraged, it didn't seem like anyone was speaking up for the bears.

Then John stood up and spoke in his deep, calming voice. He spoke eloquently about the importance of giving bears a rest, he cited the biological information published by local scientists, and he passionately articulated the benefits of having living bears in the area. I remember so distinctly thinking that the bears would have been proud to have John as their advocate. John used his voice for wildlife, even in a room where he was the minority - he was incredibly brave."

May John's legacy live on in our compassion to our animal neighbors and to each other.

You can pay your respects, leave a tribute, and learn more about John at