Our Vice President, John Morton, Was Published in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution!

AWA’s Vice President and former US Fish and Wildlife Service wildlife biologist, John Morton, recently published an article, with others, in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

The article highlights research on the phenological patterns of soundscapes of ecosystems, and whether the seasonality of the soundscapes coincided with weather variables that are used to monitor climate. The research spans three years, and discusses how sonophases and weather data combined can be used as an approach to understanding the ecological effects of climate change in subarctic environments. Read about the full study here.

Seasonal sonic patterns reveal phenological phases (sonophases) associated with climate change in subarctic Alaska, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2024. Mullet, T.C., A. Farina , J.M. Morton and S.R. Wilhelm. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2024.1345558.

Abstract: Given that ecosystems are composed of sounds created by geophysical events (e.g., wind, rain), animal behaviors (e.g., dawn songbird chorus), and human activities (e.g., tourism) that depend on seasonal climate conditions, the phenological patterns of a soundscape could be coupled with long-term weather station data as a complimentary ecological indicator of climate change. We tested whether the seasonality of the soundscape coincided with common weather variables used to monitor climate. We recorded ambient sounds hourly for five minutes (01 January–30 June) over three years (2019–2021) near a weather station in a subarctic ecosystem in south-central Alaska. We quantified sonic information using the Acoustic Complexity Index (ACItf), coupled with weather data, and used machine learning (TreeNet) to identify sonic-climate relationships. We grouped ACItf according to time periods of prominent seasonal events (e.g., days with temperatures >0°C, no snow cover, green up, dawn biophony, and road-based tourism) and identified distinct sonic phenophases (sonophases) for groups with non-overlapping 95% confidence intervals. In general, sonic activity increased dramatically as winter transitioned to spring and summer. We identified two winter sonophases, a spring sonophase, and a summer sonophase, each coinciding with hours of daylight, temperature, precipitation, snow cover, and the prevalence of animal and human activities. We discuss how sonophases and weather data combined serve as a multi-dimensional, systems-based approach to understanding the ecological effects of climate change in subarctic environments.